
We all need to wake. It seems like our world is in a spiral, and it’s easier for us just to go with the flow, go to work, pay your bills, go to church, be entertained by what everyone else is, fit in, don’t rock the boat, believe like this. When we really want to…

Mr. Johnny Part 1

There he was again. Standing on the side of the street holding up his cardboard sign. It read: Jesus will be back, are you ready? A lot of people blew the horn at him. A lot yelled bad words. A few younger people threw stuff at him. But even some people in their 40’s and…

Is this what God wants from me

Is this what God wants of me I’ve often wondered Go to church every Sunday Show my true dedication by putting some money in the plate Talking about my favorite football team after the “service” Trying to decide where we’re going for lunch Finding a nice woman to marry that will go to church with…

How you gonna act

You say you believe in Jesus How you act tells the whole truth What do I mean Jesus died to redeem sinners So how you gonna act Everybody believes in Jesus Keep playing The cross was no game You believe in Jesus Is that a joke You believe in Jesus Look at the cross How…

The price of comfort

Does it ever bother you how comfortable you are at church? You never wonder why it happens to be so convenient You never think twice about how easy the scheduled routine so perfectly fits into your life No question about how the weekly hour called church just rolls by so smoothly Over and over again…


It’s OK to believe in something Just don’t tell anyone because someone might get upset It’s OK to have convictions but its best to keep them to yourself Sometimes you can stand for what you believe but make sure you are in the same boat with everyone else that already believes the same as you…

Christian band

I love music. I can’t play or sing but still I do. More than music I love Jesus. So of course music about Jesus I enjoy. I started wondering about Christian bands a while ago. How does a band get labeled or classified Christian other than saying they are? I’m not sure. In my wondering…

Funny man

You ever go to a church service and it seems the preacher’s main objective is to get you and everyone else there laughing? Laughing is a wonderful thing, it loosens everyone up usually. How is it where you attend church? When the speaker takes the stage are jokes a big part of his message? I…